Surfing WA recently issued a formal apology to the Board of Directors, Cultural Advice Committee, and members of the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation regarding an incident involving the unauthorised use of a registered Aboriginal Heritage site. The following letter outlines Surfing WA’s recognition of this oversight and our commitment to addressing the situation with transparency and respect.

Dear Members of the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation,

We are writing on behalf of Surfing Western Australia to extend our sincere apologies for our recent failure to obtain approval from the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation for the unauthorised use of a registered Aboriginal Heritage site.

Specifically, on Thursday, 11 April 2024, during the World Surf League Margaret River Pro surf competition, we utilised the site located at the corner of Wallcliffe and Surfers Point Rd as an overflow parking area without proper authorisation.

We fully acknowledge the gravity of our oversight and recognise its potential to undermine the relationships and trust that we have been diligently working to foster. We understand that this incident stands in direct contradiction to our organisational objectives, which prioritise the enhancement of relationships, understanding, and support between our respective organisations and the communities we serve.

Moving forward, we are committed to rectifying this situation and preventing similar occurrences in the future. This includes conducting a thorough review of our internal procedures and ensuring such oversights are not revisited.

Once again, we extend our deepest apologies to the Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation and its members for any distress or inconvenience caused by our actions. We value our relationship with KKAC and remain dedicated to rebuilding trust and strengthening our partnership moving forward.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter.


Mark Lane                                                  Matt Wood
CEO                                                            Chair
Surfing Western Australia                         Surfing Western Australia


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