Margaret River’s Kaleisha Launders has made waves at the 2024 Hyundai High Performance Centre Australian Surf Championships, securing a runner-up finish in the Open Women’s division. Held at North Haven, NSW, the event showcased exceptional talent across various divisions, with strong performances from WA surfers.

At just 16 years old, Launders, dominated the Open Women’s final for most of the heat before being narrowly edged out by Freya Prumm (NSW), who clinched victory with a wave in the final minute. “It feels really good to have achieved this result,” Launders said. “I didn’t really expect it, but I’m happy with a second-place finish.”

The event, marked by a large east coast swell that had subsided to reveal groomed conditions, saw Dane Henry and Freya Prumm crowned as the Open Men’s and Women’s champions.

Reflecting on the competition, Launders praised the excellent conditions. “The waves were really nice, clean, and fun,” she said. “It was offshore pretty much the whole time until the afternoon, and the surf was around 2 to 3 feet.”

Handling the pressure of such a high-stakes event, Launders found solace in viewing the competition as a valuable experience rather than a pressure-packed situation. “I thought of it as an opportunity to gain more experience,” she said. “I’m also grateful for the support and coaching from Woolly Macpherson, which helped a lot.”

The camaraderie among the WA team was another positive aspect for Launders. “I felt so supported. All the teammates came down, watched my heat, and congratulated me afterward. It was such a good vibe.”

Looking ahead, Launders is excited about the upcoming Australian Junior Titles, marking her final year in the Under 18s. “I’m looking forward to the Aussie Junior Titles and a few QS events coming up. Thank you to everyone for being so supportive.”

Other standout performances from Western Australian surfers included:

  • Patrick Connell from City Beach earned a second-place finish in the Over 60s Men’s division.
  • George Simpson had a semi-final finish in the Open Men’s.
  • Andrew Sheridan reached the semi-finals in both the Over 40 and Over 45 Men’s divisions.
  • Luke Hayter also made it to the semi-finals in the Over 45 Men’s division.

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